Our Network Of Supporters Is Diverse And Growing
Our supporters may differ in terms of their party affiliations, backgrounds, professions, and roles, but they are united in their commitment to upholding electoral processes that protect the freedoms, liberties, and opportunities assured by our democratic institutions.

As Washington’s Secretary of State, my top priorities are ensuring that our elections are secure and accessible to every eligible voter.
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We must do everything we can to ensure a strong, responsive and effective democracy for the United States, starting with safe and fair elections.
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Elections are the core of our democracy and the process must never be compromised.
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I think at this unique moment in time, we need candidates with a renewed commitment to our democratic ideals.
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As a nonpartisan professional election administrator, I believe we have a trustworthy democracy when every voter feels welcomed, knows how to participate and can do so easily, and believes that the system is fair and secure.
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Safeguarding our Republic for the future, can only be achieved through safe, secure, and fair elections
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The US is an inspiration to the world. It is incumbent upon Americans to uphold the virtues, values, and vision that sustain our democratic republic. Supporting the Principles is a ringing declaration of who we are and what we stand for.
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Elections must be transparent, unbiased and secure in every way.
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We must recommit ourselves to principled, civil and substantive political debate in order to renew our nation’s shared faith in democratic institutions.
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