Independent Voting

We are a national strategy, communications, and organizing center working to connect and empower the 45% of Americans who identify themselves as independents. Our mission is to participate in the development of a movement of independent voters, in partnership with Americans of all persuasions, to reform America’s political process, create nonpartisan coalitions and develop a broad and inclusive consensus for self-governance. Independent Voting works to educate and incentivize the nonprofit sector, academia, political organizations and leaders to take up the causes of this movement and independent voters.

Years Endorsed
2022 Signer Statement

Independent Voting

We are a national strategy, communications, and organizing center working to connect and empower the 45% of Americans who identify themselves as independents. Our mission is to participate in the development of a movement of independent voters, in partnership with Americans of all persuasions, to reform America’s political process, create nonpartisan coalitions and develop a broad and inclusive consensus for self-governance. Independent Voting works to educate and incentivize the nonprofit sector, academia, political organizations and leaders to take up the causes of this movement and independent voters.

Statement of Support
Trusted Elections Resources
Contact Information

Cathy Stewart
Years Endorsed

Support Fair, Safe, and Secure Elections

Sign the Principles for Trusted Elections and show your support for fair, safe, and secure elections. Together, we can help restore American confidence in our democratic system.

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