Conservative Policy Leadership Institute

The Conservative Policy Leadership Institute (CPLI) is a training initiative designed to position Georgia to lead the nation in public governance based on conservative principles and values. Founded by alumni from the Coverdell Leadership Institute, CPLI recruits public policy-oriented individuals who have demonstrated leadership experience and who desire an advanced issue-based educational experience grounded in conservative thought.

Years Endorsed
2022 Signer Statement

Conservative Policy Leadership Institute

The Conservative Policy Leadership Institute (CPLI) is a training initiative designed to position Georgia to lead the nation in public governance based on conservative principles and values. Founded by alumni from the Coverdell Leadership Institute, CPLI recruits public policy-oriented individuals who have demonstrated leadership experience and who desire an advanced issue-based educational experience grounded in conservative thought.

Statement of Support
Trusted Elections Resources
Contact Information

Years Endorsed

Support Fair, Safe, and Secure Elections

Sign the Principles for Trusted Elections and show your support for fair, safe, and secure elections. Together, we can help restore American confidence in our democratic system.

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