Supporter Spotlight

Joseph De Soto

Dr. Joseph de Soto MD, PHD, DSS, FAIC republican candidate for WV house of delegates
West Virginia
Years Signed

My own personal experience was horrendous, i was harassed, defamed, had false allegations levied against me, received death threats, and had a cross burned in front of my house. From my own party and the other party because i was a minority and my positions on social issues

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Joseph De Soto

Dr. Joseph de Soto MD, PHD, DSS, FAIC republican candidate for WV house of delegates
West Virginia
Republican Party
Years Endorsed
2024 - Signed as
2024 Candidate for Delegate District 91, West Virginia

My own personal experience was horrendous, i was harassed, defamed, had false allegations levied against me, received death threats, and had a cross burned in front of my house. From my own party and the other party because i was a minority and my positions on social issues

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