Supporter Spotlight

Joseph C. Mastroianni

2022 Candidate for State Representative District 111, New York
New York
Years Signed
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Joseph C. Mastroianni

2022 Candidate for State Representative District 111, New York
New York
Republican Party
Years Endorsed
2024 - Signed as
Endorsement Link ↗
Signed the Candidate Principles for Trusted Elections as a 2022 Candidate for State Representative District 111, New York

For the idea and value of the United States of America to carry forth its ideals as a government of, by, and for the people, the People must have their votes counted fairly, and its elections conducted without fraud. That clearly has not been happening. I pledge to fight for honest elections, Voter ID, paper ballots, and election protocols that prevent fraud from occuring.

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Support Fair, Safe, and Secure Elections

Sign the Principles for Trusted Elections and show your support for fair, safe, and secure elections. Together, we can help restore American confidence in our democratic system.

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Pledge Supporting Statement ↗