Supporter Spotlight

John Dickinson

2022 Candidate for State Representative District 37 Position #1, Washington
Years Signed
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John Dickinson

2022 Candidate for State Representative District 37 Position #1, Washington
Republican Party
Years Endorsed
2024 - Signed as
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Signed the Candidate Principles for Trusted Elections as a 2022 Candidate for State Representative District 37 Position #1, Washington

I am hoping for digital voting within my lifetime. "No customs of any people are more deeply rooted than those which have to do with the interment or disposal of the dead..." In the words of Sir James Macintosh, 'The desire to honor the dead is one one of the safeguards of morality,' " ... and only the superficially informed sociologist or economist can possibly make light of the universal desire on the part of the rich and the poor, the educated and the ignorant, to provide for the dead..." June 4, 1919, Frederick L. Hoffman, L.L.D.

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Sign the Principles for Trusted Elections and show your support for fair, safe, and secure elections. Together, we can help restore American confidence in our democratic system.

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