Supporter Spotlight

Frank Roma

2022 Candidate for State Representative District 34, Maine
Years Signed
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Frank Roma

2022 Candidate for State Representative District 34, Maine
Democratic Party
Years Endorsed
2024 - Signed as
Endorsement Link ↗
Signed the Candidate Principles for Trusted Elections as a 2022 Candidate for State Representative District 34, Maine

The integrity of our elections is key to the survival of our Republic. Every day we see new attempts to question and cast aspersions on our electoral process. I am proud to pledge my commitment to fair and free elections and will defend the rights of all who wish to exercise their right to vote for the candidates of their choice to know their votes will be fairly counted!

Endorsement Link ↗

Support Fair, Safe, and Secure Elections

Sign the Principles for Trusted Elections and show your support for fair, safe, and secure elections. Together, we can help restore American confidence in our democratic system.

Sign Your Name
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Pledge Supporting Statement ↗