Supporter Spotlight

Daniel Wassmer

2022 Candidate for United States Senator, Pennsylvania
Years Signed
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Daniel Wassmer

2022 Candidate for United States Senator, Pennsylvania
Years Endorsed
2024 - Signed as
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Signed the Candidate Principles for Trusted Elections as a 2022 Candidate for United States Senator, Pennsylvania

I was actively involved in thwarting the attempt to circumvent election laws by the Trump Campaign in 2020. Called by a worker for of the PA State Republican Committee who asked me to intervene as an impartial third party candidate for Attorney General I vehemently refused! In fact upon hearing of alleged improprieties in Philadelphia I traveled there to see if I saw any evidence of improper voting. I witnessed none. As a former board member of the Libertarian Party I was also contacted about intervening in a case to strike ALL mail in ballots in PA. Once again I refused and made my position known in no uncertain terms.

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