Supporter Spotlight

Daniel Hochman

2022 Candidate for Member State Board Of Education District 7, Texas
Years Signed
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Daniel Hochman

2022 Candidate for Member State Board Of Education District 7, Texas
Democratic Party
Years Endorsed
2024 - Signed as
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Signed the Candidate Principles for Trusted Elections as a 2022 Candidate for Member State Board Of Education District 7, Texas

Free and fair elections, and peaceful transitions of power, are the cornerstone of our democracy. If cheating, intimidation, voting restrictions, and Gerrymandering are part of elections strategies, then we have lost our democracy and everything our nation stands for, ironically perpetrated by those that try to claim patriotism. They are traitors, pure and simple. I will NOT participate in the destruction of all we hold dear.

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Support Fair, Safe, and Secure Elections

Sign the Principles for Trusted Elections and show your support for fair, safe, and secure elections. Together, we can help restore American confidence in our democratic system.

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