Supporter Spotlight

Carole Sue Braaten

Candidate for the 27th Legislative District of Washington state.
Years Signed

All people that are born in the state and legal Citizens registered to Vote have Right to Vote. To have Voters Pamphlets and Ballots sent in sufficient time to read All information, research and call candidates without interference. Free, just and fair elections without tampering. In Pierce County Washington August 6, 2024 Primary over 96,000 addresses averaging over 2 registered Voters over 192,000 people or more did not receive Voters Pamphlets in the normal time. My entire Area of a city I and others lived in Never Received any Voters Pamphlet at all. Other entire Areas did not receive any Voters Pamphlet this is true Election interference. All of my neighbors and surrounding areas have a RIGHT to Vote no matter the party, race, sex, social statis, religious beliefs and more. Everyone had a Right which was paid for brave men and women at the cost of their bodies and lives to give us the Right to Vote. My first Priority is that ALL can Vote for their person they like.

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Carole Sue Braaten

Candidate for the 27th Legislative District of Washington state.
Republican Party
Years Endorsed
2024 - Signed as
2024 Candidate for State Senator District 27, Washington

All people that are born in the state and legal Citizens registered to Vote have Right to Vote. To have Voters Pamphlets and Ballots sent in sufficient time to read All information, research and call candidates without interference. Free, just and fair elections without tampering. In Pierce County Washington August 6, 2024 Primary over 96,000 addresses averaging over 2 registered Voters over 192,000 people or more did not receive Voters Pamphlets in the normal time. My entire Area of a city I and others lived in Never Received any Voters Pamphlet at all. Other entire Areas did not receive any Voters Pamphlet this is true Election interference. All of my neighbors and surrounding areas have a RIGHT to Vote no matter the party, race, sex, social statis, religious beliefs and more. Everyone had a Right which was paid for brave men and women at the cost of their bodies and lives to give us the Right to Vote. My first Priority is that ALL can Vote for their person they like.

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