Supporter Spotlight

Ashley Sullivan

2022 Candidate for Fifth Essex Representative District, Massachusetts
Years Signed
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Ashley Sullivan

2022 Candidate for Fifth Essex Representative District, Massachusetts
Republican Party
Years Endorsed
2024 - Signed as
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Signed the Candidate Principles for Trusted Elections as a 2022 Candidate for Fifth Essex Representative District, Massachusetts

Election integrity is important, in fact it should be one of the main priorities of our elected leaders. Unfortunately, With the emergence of COVID 19 - politicians across the state (and country) rushed to implement policies that are completely detrimental to future elections. Practices like ballot harvesting, mail-in voting (not to be confused with absentee voting, which has a signature verification process), automatic voter registration at the RMV etc. has caused massive chaos and confusion, creating the sort of environment where voter fraud flourishes. Which is why I fully support stopping some of these practices and also support the implementation of VOTER ID. Our elections must be secure, and those voting must feel as though their vote actually counts. As chairwoman I have found and am appointing new volunteers for registrar, and for the first time ever we have started appointing election officers and have put together a team of poll watchers and volunteers. Until we are able to fully secure our elections through the legislature, it’s up to us to keep a close eye on what’s occurring in our towns/cities. If elected, I am fully committed to evaluating those laws/policies and working towards fixing any problems that are found...

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Sign the Principles for Trusted Elections and show your support for fair, safe, and secure elections. Together, we can help restore American confidence in our democratic system.

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