Supporter Spotlight

Adam Blake Childress

2022 Candidate for State Representative District 69, Michigan
Years Signed
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Adam Blake Childress

2022 Candidate for State Representative District 69, Michigan
Libertarian Party
Years Endorsed
2024 - Signed as
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Signed the Candidate Principles for Trusted Elections as a 2022 Candidate for State Representative District 69, Michigan

There are some who claim President Trump won the 2020 election and there are those who believe the outcome was free of significant fraud. Whatever the case may be, I believe we have an obligation to investigate all evidentiary based claims of election fraud. That such investigations should be non-partisan with the goal of instituting further measures to mitigate, reduce, and work toward the elimination of voter fraud.

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Support Fair, Safe, and Secure Elections

Sign the Principles for Trusted Elections and show your support for fair, safe, and secure elections. Together, we can help restore American confidence in our democratic system.

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