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Vincent J. Cavaleri

Supporter Spotlight

Vincent J. Cavaleri

2022 Candidate for U.S. Representative District 1, Washington
Years Signed
Pledge Supporting Statement ↗

Vincent J. Cavaleri

2022 Candidate for U.S. Representative District 1, Washington
Republican Party
Years Endorsed
Signed Team Democracy's Safe and Fair Election Pledge as 2022 Candidate for U.S. Representative District 1, Washington
I stand for safe, fair, and transparent elections. I encourage all citizens to get involved in the elections process to ensure that every vote counts. I believe in a strong democracy, one that protects against any attempts at interference or fraudulence, whether it be foreign or domestic. Finally, I strongly believe in a peaceful transfer of power, no matter the partisan differences.
Endorsement Link ↗

Support Fair, Safe, and Secure Elections

Sign the Principles for Trusted Elections and show your support for fair, safe, and secure elections. Together, we can help restore American confidence in our democratic system.

Sign Your Name
I stand for safe, fair, and transparent elections. I encourage all citizens to get involved in the elections process to ensure that every vote counts. I believe in a strong democracy, one that protects against any attempts at interference or fraudulence, whether it be foreign or domestic. Finally, I strongly believe in a peaceful transfer of power, no matter the partisan differences.
Pledge Supporting Statement ↗
I stand for safe, fair, and transparent elections. I encourage all citizens to get involved in the elections process to ensure that every vote counts. I believe in a strong democracy, one that protects against any attempts at interference or fraudulence, whether it be foreign or domestic. Finally, I strongly believe in a peaceful transfer of power, no matter the partisan differences.
Pledge Supporting Statement ↗