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Andrew G. Nieto

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Andrew G. Nieto

2022 Candidate for State Representative District 31, Utah
Years Signed
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Andrew G. Nieto

2022 Candidate for State Representative District 31, Utah
Republican Party
Years Endorsed
Signed Team Democracy's Safe and Fair Election Pledge as 2022 Candidate for State Representative District 31, Utah
Most issues are of process, or of human error at the ballot counting site. These can all be remedied by law, or by We the People holding our election officials (e.g., county clerks and state secretaries of state, or their respective equivalents) accountable at the next election. As a state legislator, I will do what I can to pass remedies of law. Republics cannot exist without accessible and secure voting!
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Support Fair, Safe, and Secure Elections

Sign the Principles for Trusted Elections and show your support for fair, safe, and secure elections. Together, we can help restore American confidence in our democratic system.

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Most issues are of process, or of human error at the ballot counting site. These can all be remedied by law, or by We the People holding our election officials (e.g., county clerks and state secretaries of state, or their respective equivalents) accountable at the next election. As a state legislator, I will do what I can to pass remedies of law. Republics cannot exist without accessible and secure voting!
Pledge Supporting Statement ↗
Most issues are of process, or of human error at the ballot counting site. These can all be remedied by law, or by We the People holding our election officials (e.g., county clerks and state secretaries of state, or their respective equivalents) accountable at the next election. As a state legislator, I will do what I can to pass remedies of law. Republics cannot exist without accessible and secure voting!
Pledge Supporting Statement ↗