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Mark Sorensen

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Mark Sorensen

2022 Candidate for Strafford County District 7, New Hampshire
Years Signed
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Mark Sorensen

2022 Candidate for Strafford County District 7, New Hampshire
Veteran, U.S Navy enlisted 1980-1986. Drilling reservist in U.S. Naval Reserve and then U.S. Army National Guard N.H. combined three years.
New Hampshire
Democratic Party
Years Endorsed
Signed Team Democracy's Safe and Fair Election Pledge as 2022 Candidate for Strafford County District 7, New Hampshire
When I served in the military, the Oath of Enlistment was a serious matter. It obligated me to a code of conduct and a comprehensive set of regulations. I believe our elected officials should be legally bound to their Oath of Office in a similar manner.
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When I served in the military, the Oath of Enlistment was a serious matter. It obligated me to a code of conduct and a comprehensive set of regulations. I believe our elected officials should be legally bound to their Oath of Office in a similar manner.
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When I served in the military, the Oath of Enlistment was a serious matter. It obligated me to a code of conduct and a comprehensive set of regulations. I believe our elected officials should be legally bound to their Oath of Office in a similar manner.
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