Republican Party

Joe Akana

2022 Candidate for US Representative District 2, Hawaii
Years Endorsed
Digital Skills & Awards
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2022 Signing Information
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Signed Team Democracy's Safe and Fair Election Pledge as 2022 Candidate for US Representative District 2, Hawaii
Voting is the most precious right we all have as Americans. It ensures our rights and benefits are secured. American voters must have faith in the voting process and sadly, many do not. As elected officials we owe it to voters to provide safe, secure and fair elections.

Currently, as the system stands there are many inconsistencies and opportunities for fraud. This should be mitigated through voter identification, in-person voting, and setting aside one voting day, for primaries and general elections, as state and national holidays.

Until we can implement blockchain technology, voting and counting should be done by hand and without machines. With the current system, there are too many points throughout the process which can be compromised.

Support Fair, Safe, and Secure Elections

Sign the Principles for Trusted Elections and show your support for fair, safe, and secure elections. Together, we can help restore American confidence in our democratic system.

Sign Your Name
Voting is the most precious right we all have as Americans. It ensures our rights and benefits are secured. American voters must have faith in the voting process and sadly, many do not. As elected officials we owe it to voters to provide safe, secure and fair elections.

Currently, as the system stands there are many inconsistencies and opportunities for fraud. This should be mitigated through voter identification, in-person voting, and setting aside one voting day, for primaries and general elections, as state and national holidays.

Until we can implement blockchain technology, voting and counting should be done by hand and without machines. With the current system, there are too many points throughout the process which can be compromised.
Pledge Supporting Statement ↗
Voting is the most precious right we all have as Americans. It ensures our rights and benefits are secured. American voters must have faith in the voting process and sadly, many do not. As elected officials we owe it to voters to provide safe, secure and fair elections.

Currently, as the system stands there are many inconsistencies and opportunities for fraud. This should be mitigated through voter identification, in-person voting, and setting aside one voting day, for primaries and general elections, as state and national holidays.

Until we can implement blockchain technology, voting and counting should be done by hand and without machines. With the current system, there are too many points throughout the process which can be compromised.
Pledge Supporting Statement ↗