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Mary Ann Krause

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Mary Ann Krause

Former Mayor of Santa Paula
Years Signed
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Mary Ann Krause

Former Mayor of Santa Paula
Democratic Party
Years Endorsed
Signed the Candidate Principles for Trusted Elections as Former Mayor of Santa Paula
The erosion of trust at the national level has resulted in very low expectations for candidates and officeholders at the local level, and increasingly has led to a lack of civil discourse. If we cannot rationally and respectfully discuss local problems, residents' quality of life will be harmed. I want to encourage local-level officials to support these principles by increasing awareness.
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Support Fair, Safe, and Secure Elections

Sign the Principles for Trusted Elections and show your support for fair, safe, and secure elections. Together, we can help restore American confidence in our democratic system.

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The erosion of trust at the national level has resulted in very low expectations for candidates and officeholders at the local level, and increasingly has led to a lack of civil discourse. If we cannot rationally and respectfully discuss local problems, residents' quality of life will be harmed. I want to encourage local-level officials to support these principles by increasing awareness.
Pledge Supporting Statement ↗
The erosion of trust at the national level has resulted in very low expectations for candidates and officeholders at the local level, and increasingly has led to a lack of civil discourse. If we cannot rationally and respectfully discuss local problems, residents' quality of life will be harmed. I want to encourage local-level officials to support these principles by increasing awareness.
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