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Priya Sundareshan

Supporter Spotlight

Priya Sundareshan

2022 Candidate for State Senator District 18, Arizona
Years Signed
Pledge Supporting Statement ↗

Priya Sundareshan

2022 Candidate for State Senator District 18, Arizona
Democratic Party
Years Endorsed
Signed Team Democracy's Safe and Fair Election Pledge as 2022 Candidate for State Senator District 18, Arizona
Our elections in Arizona are incredibly safe and secure, especially our cherished vote-by-mail system. Conspiracy theories that suggest otherwise weaken our democracy, and we must respect the will of the people that is reflected in our elections. We must also expand access to the ballot and making voting easy and accessible to all. Our democracy is worth it.
Endorsement Link ↗

Support Fair, Safe, and Secure Elections

Sign the Principles for Trusted Elections and show your support for fair, safe, and secure elections. Together, we can help restore American confidence in our democratic system.

Sign Your Name
Our elections in Arizona are incredibly safe and secure, especially our cherished vote-by-mail system. Conspiracy theories that suggest otherwise weaken our democracy, and we must respect the will of the people that is reflected in our elections. We must also expand access to the ballot and making voting easy and accessible to all. Our democracy is worth it.
Pledge Supporting Statement ↗
Our elections in Arizona are incredibly safe and secure, especially our cherished vote-by-mail system. Conspiracy theories that suggest otherwise weaken our democracy, and we must respect the will of the people that is reflected in our elections. We must also expand access to the ballot and making voting easy and accessible to all. Our democracy is worth it.
Pledge Supporting Statement ↗